• CNN anchor Chris Cuomo was diagnosed with COVID-19 in early April. His wife Christina has since shared her wellness routine to combat the coronavirus.
  • Her strategies include herbal remedies and a “body charger,” but there’s no evidence these can cure or prevent the coronavirus or other illness.
  • Some of parts of her routine, like adding bleach to bathwater and taking huge doses of vitamins, could be harmful.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, the brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, was diagnosed with the coronavirus in early April.

He’s since recovered, but his wife, Cristina Cuomo, more recently became ill with the virus. She’s developed an elaborate regimen of diet and wellness strategies she credits with helping her recover, and shared that routine on The Purist, a wellness publication founded by Cristina. She previously published Chris’s coronavirus wellness routine as the site as well.

However, few of the strategies she recommends are backed by science, and some could actually be dangerous.

Large doses of vitamins aren’t proven to treat anything, and taking too many can have side effects

Cristina Cuomo’s regimen includes a long list of vitamins, including vitamin B, vitamin C, and zinc.

Vitamins are important for general health, but unless you have a severe nutrient deficiency from a poor diet, loading up can't "boost" your immune system, according to research.

You can have too much of a good thing, since large doses of vitamins have side effects. Alternative wellness gurus have recommended hefty helpings of vitamins - more than 100 times the recommended daily dose - advertised as helping boost the immune system, Business Insider previously reported.

But such high doses can cause serious side effects like dizziness, headaches, nausea, and in extreme cases, even coma or death.

No amount of vitamins has been shown to prevent or cure COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Bleach can kill the virus, but it's also dangerous

Cuomo also notes that she adds "½ cup of Clorox to my bathwater to combat the radiation and metals in my system and oxygenate it."

It's true that Clorox and similar bleach products can kill coronavirus on surfaces. But bleach is a corrosive chemical. This this makes it great for cleaning and disinfecting, but potentially hazardous to your health.

As anyone who's used too much for cleaning knows, it can cause an unpleasant burning sensation and irritation if you get it on your skin.

Inhaling the fumes can cause damage to your respiratory system, which is last thing you want when you're fighting off a virus. Accidentally ingesting it could cause burns to your esophagus or stomach, internal organ damage, or even death.

Since the coronavirus has become widespread, there's been a coinciding spike in accidental poisonings attributed to bleach products, according to the CDC. Some of these have resulted in hospitalizations.

To prevent this, use bleach according to the directions on the label.

A 'body charger' isn't proven to cure or prevent any ailment

Finally, Cuomo swears by something called a "body charger." It's not clear exactly what that is.

"It sent electrical frequencies through my body to oxygenate my blood and stimulate the healthy production of blood cells to fortify my immune system," she wrote on her site.

A search for "body charger" in US National Library of Medicine database yielded only 5 results, none of which were relevant to what Cuomo appears to be referring to.

The energy practitioner Cuomo mentioned, Dr. Randall Oppitz, is associated with an organization called "The HEAL Process" - their website states the energy healing services they offer are "firmly rooted in the laws of physics" but offer no research, peer-reviewed or otherwise, to illuminate those claims.

Expert-supported advice includes washing your hands, getting plenty of sleep, and managing stress

Not all of the advice in The Purist is unfounded. The strategies that medical experts do endorse haven't changed - this include washing your hands, getting plenty of sleep, and managing your stress. Getting enough exercise, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption can also help - all of these are evidence-based strategies to stay as healthy as possible.

Cuomo also stressed the importance of social distancing.

This advice hasn't changed since the start of the pandemic, and experts continue to stress that these simple strategies are most effective at preventing the spread of the virus.

Read more:

People are accidentally poisoning themselves with bleach as they try to disinfect their homes to prevent the coronavirus, CDC says

How to thoroughly and safely decontaminate your home without exposing yourself to too much disinfectant

You don't have to spray your groceries with bleach to prevent the coronavirus. Here's what experts recommend.